Fuel Surcharge

A fuel surcharge is applied to the freight charge for each U.S.-origin Courier Way Bill (CWB), to all destinations.

Fuel Surcharge for Oct 2021: 4.50 %

Fuel Surcharge for Sep 2021: 5.00 %

Note about the Fuel Surcharge:

The transportation and travel industries have been subjected to airline fuel surcharges (FSC) since February of 2000. This surcharge is based on average fuel prices compiled by the Department of Energy, and was initiated by airlines and other air carriers who purchase fuel on the variable energy market. This operating cost has been uniformly passed on to consumers at both wholesale and retail levels. In addition, in October 2001, commercial carriers instituted security surcharges to help finance new mandated aviation security procedures. For the first few years, OCS chose not to forward these surcharges to consumers. However, ongoing FSC increases suggested that these surcharges had become an aviation industry standard, reflecting a particularly volatile operating cost.

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